Sophie Quinton-Carter

Call: 2013

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Great strength in depth both in relation to their expertise and breadth of experience from juniors through to their QCs.

Legal 500, 2022
Sophie Quinton Carter

Personal profile

Sophie Quinton-Carter is a dedicated advocate with a busy criminal and regulatory practice. Sophie has experience across a wide range of offences and her meticulous and diligent preparation of cases puts clients and solicitors alike at ease.

She builds strong and reliable working relationships with both her professional and lay clients, working proactively to provide realistic advice and to present cases for both the prosecution and defence in an efficient and confident manner.

Sophie has extensive experience across large-scale investigations, and has assisted in disclosure reviews including the high-profile appeals of former Post Office subpostmasters, and investigations by HMRC and the NCA into tax evasion in Premier League football and corruption by the former Nigerian Oil Minister.

Sexual Offences

Sophie has worked as both defence and prosecution in Sexual Offences cases.

Featured Cases

  • R v I (2022) – Instructed as defence counsel in the matter of two sexual assaults alleged to have taken place on the same day.
  • R v S (2021) – Instructed as defence counsel in a case of false imprisonment of escorts, which included encouraging sexual activity.
  • R v S (2021) – Instructed as defence counsel in respect of two counts of sexual assault on public transport, involving DNA evidence and examination of steroid use.
  • R v E (2021) – Instructed as defence counsel in a case of assault by penetration in the workplace.
  • R v D (2021) – Instructed as prosecution counsel following an allegation of sexual assault in the workplace.


Sophie has worked as both defence and prosecution in Fraud cases.

Featured Cases

  • Operation Destin (2022) – Instructed as junior prosecution counsel in an alleged fraud concerning a timeshare investment scheme.
  • Operation Lorus (2022) – Instructed as junior prosecution counsel in a case involving the sale of a one-time password bot generating almost $2m in cryptocurrency.
  • R v C (2021) – Instructed as junior prosecution counsel following the identification of an individual involved in the widespread manufacture and distribution of false passports.
  • R v M (2020) – Instructed as junior prosecution counsel where a nurse was alleged to have defrauded an elderly friend to the value of £15k.
  • R v P (2019) – Instructed as defence counsel in confiscation proceedings involving analysis of Bitcoin and Dark Web accounts, which resulted in the benefit figure being reduced from £300k to £10k.

Drugs Offences

Sophie has worked as both defence and prosecution in Drugs Offences cases.

Featured Cases

  • Operation Goodwood (2022) – Instructed as junior prosecution counsel in a multi-handed drugs conspiracy involving the use of covert surveillance.
  • Operation Gauntlet (2021) – Instructed as junior prosecution counsel in a multi-handed county lines drugs conspiracy.
  • R v A and another (2021) – Instructed as prosecution counsel following a quantity of ecstasy, cannabis, a knife and Halloween mask being located on the back seat of a car.
  • R v M (2021) – Instructed as defence counsel for an individual alleged to have been involved in county lines dealing.

Serious Violence

Sophie has worked as both defence and prosecution in Serious Violence cases.

Featured Cases

  • Operation Micco (2022) – Instructed as junior prosecution counsel in a case of child abduction and modern slavery.
  • R v N (2022) – Instructed as defence counsel in a case of kidnap and assault.
  • R v L (2022) – Instructed as defence counsel in a matter involving the storage of a handgun and ammunition.
  • R v D (2022) – Instructed as prosecution counsel following an attack with a broken bottle resulting in life changing injuries.
  • R v M (2021) – Instructed as prosecution counsel in a case of wounding following a fight between two brothers during which the victim was slashed with a machete.

Regulatory & Professional Disciplinary

Sophie acts for both regulators and registrants in cases of professional misconduct across the healthcare sector.

Featured Cases

  • NMC v A (2022) – Instructed to act for a nurse to lift an order imposed for assaulting a service user.
  • GMC v T (2021) – Instructed to act for the GMC where a doctor had an inappropriate relationship with a patient.
  • NMC v B (2021) – Instructed to act for the NMC where a nurse had stolen medication on over 700 occasions from a children’s hospital.
  • NMC v F (2021) – Instructed to act for the NMC where a midwife had made countless record keeping errors and was found dishonest in a subsequent job application.


Sophie acts for both the Requesting Judicial Authority and Requested Person in Extradition matters.

Featured Cases

  • Moldova v A (2021) – Warrant discharged for an individual sought by Moldova for an offence of human trafficking.
  • Hungary v B (2021) – Defence counsel for a requested person who was discharged following a Hungarian request for the individual to serve eight years for a small quantity of cannabis.
  • Poland v K (2020) – Instructed to act for the judicial authority following the activation of a suspended sentence for burglary.


  • South Eastern Circuit Advanced Advocacy Course, University of Florida, Gainesville
  • Maîtrise en droit, Université de Rennes
  • LLB Law (European), University of Exeter


  • Criminal Bar Association Florida Scholarship (2019)

Professional Appointments

  • CPS Panel Advocate (Grade 3)
  • CPS Extradition Panel
  • Health and Safety Executive (HSE(, Office of Rail and Road (ORR) and Environment Agency Regulatory List


  • Inner Temple
  • CBA
  • South Eastern Circuit


  • French (fluent)