Red Lion Chambers is recognised as one of the leading murder and manslaughter chambers in England & Wales.
Since we were founded in the 1950s Red Lion Chambers’ murder and manslaughter barristers have appeared in many of the major trials of their time. These include Gunter Podola, the Hatfield Rail crash, the Krays, the Yorkshire Ripper, the Guildford Four, Jeremy Bamber, Damilola Taylor, the Soham case, Tony Martin and more recently the Ipswich serial murders.
Members of Red Lion Chambers continue to be instructed to defend and prosecute in some of the highest profile murder and manslaughter cases in the country. We are particularly well-respected for cases involving complex evidence such as forensic telephone evidence, expert cell site and DNA patterns, expert examination, detailed cross-examination and strategic planning. Our members are persuasive jury advocates who can also deploy precise legal arguments to the court and who have highly refined skills in examination and cross-examination of witnesses.
Our murder and manslaughter expertise includes advising on such complex issues such as:
- conspiracy
- multi-handed cut-throat defences
- young and/or vulnerable defendants and victims
- anonymous witnesses
- complex scientific evidence relating to causation, low copy DNA or disputed medical opinion
- corporate manslaughter, including Health & Safety and workplace breaches
- honour killings
- gangland shootings
- diminished responsibility
- suicide pacts
- provocation.