J6 Series: “Weapons offences explored: Disguised firearms and mandatory minimum sentences and offensive weapons in private places” (Recording available)

April 21, 2022 17:30

J6 Series: “Weapons offences explored: Imitation firearms, mandatory minimum sentences and offensive weapons in private places”

[su_youtube url=”https://youtu.be/j12wheSWv_Y”]

The next webinar in the Junior ‘J6’ Series: presented by RLC Members Letitia Egan and Joshua Ellis

THURSDAY 21 APRIL, 17.30-18.30

Joshua Ellis, “Disguised firearms and mandatory minimum sentences”

Section 5(1A)(a) Firearms Act 1968 makes it an offence for any person to have in their possession a firearm which is disguised as another object. A conviction under this section is subject to a statutory minimum sentence of at least 5 years’ custody.

This lecture will look at:

  • The elements of the offence under s.5(1A)(a)
  • The law on mandatory minimum sentences where s.5(1A)(a) is charged
  • Disguised stun guns and s.5(1)(b)

[Download presentation slides here]

Letitia Egan, “Offensive weapons in private places”

The Offensive Weapons Act 2019 brought about new measures intended to tackle violent crime. The commencement of the Act in July 2021 means that it is now illegal to possess zombie knives, knuckle dusters and certain swords, even in a private place.

This lecture looks at:

  • What the changes mean in practice
  • Potential defences
  • Sentencing
  • The pros and cons of the legislation

[Download presentation slides here]

  • Joshua Ellis
  • Letitia Egan