“It’s a huge privilege working with Red Lion Chambers members who have an extraordinary amount of experience you can draw on.”

At RLC, we encourage applications for tenancy from talented barristers with a track record of building a successful practice in at least one of our core specialist areas.
How do I apply to join RLC as a tenant?
To apply for tenancy at RLC, please email the following to tenancy@18rlc.co.uk:
- Your CV with a cover letter.
- A copy of your diary covering the previous and upcoming year.
- Any references you wish to rely on.
- Completed Diversity Monitoring Form.
All applications will be treated with the utmost confidence. Further information may be requested as your application progresses. Please note that if we have several applicants, we will select the candidate who has overcome the most significant challenges to become a barrister.
What is the process for joining RLC as an associate?
We offer associate tenancies, allowing barristers with substantial practice on other circuits to develop caseloads in London and Chelmsford without leaving their principal chambers.
To apply for an associate tenancy at RLC, you should write in confidence to tenancy@18rlc.co.uk. If you would like more information about becoming an associate tenant, you can contact Adam Wiseman KC.
Please note that associate tenants cannot become full members under our chambers’ constitution.
What are Red Lion Chambers’ values and ethos?
Our goal is to create a diverse and inclusive work environment that resonates with the society we serve. We seek members with exceptional ability who agree with our commitment to providing equal opportunities irrespective of race, nationality, social class, gender, age, disability, parental or carer status, sexual orientation or religious beliefs.
For more information about RLC, visit Who We Are and our sections on Our History, Equality & Diversity and Social Responsibility.