In the latest episode of the CBA’s “Criminal Justice Matters” podcast, Simon Spence KC and Kate Bex KC discuss the implications of the growing backlog of Crown Court cases on the criminal justice system. The podcast includes an extract from evidence given by the Lady Chief Justice Baroness Sue Carr in Parliament last year in which she set out how the reduction in sitting days was having a wide impact on the entire process and causing a great deal of stress to everyone involved from court staff, judges and criminal barristers throughout England and Wales.
RLC members Simon and Kate are highly experienced criminal silks each with an exceptional track record in the field of criminal law. Both serve as Recorders, bringing judicial insight to their practice, and have been instrumental in prosecuting and defending some of the most high-profile and complex criminal trials in recent years.
Listen to the podcast here: [CBA Podcast ]
Simon Spence KC: [Simon Spence KC Profile]
Kate Bex KC: [Kate Bex KC Profile]