Sailesh Mehta discusses Fire Law in “Get Legally Speaking” podcast

April 24, 2023

Sailesh Mehta has appeared on the “Get Legally Speaking” podcast with Hattie Suvari to discuss fire law in an episode entitled “Fire Law- What you need to know!”

Following the tragic incident of the Grenfell Tower fire in 2017, issues around high-rise buildings being safe and legally compliant have been heavily discussed in the media and court rooms. The podcast looks at what public and businesses should be aware of in terms of fire regulations, legal duties and health and safety responsibilities under fire law. Sailesh has been widely quoted in the media on aspects of the Grenfell Fire.

Sailesh specialises serious crime including terrorism, murder and fraud. He has a regulatory practice which includes environmental as well as health and safety offences. He leads the Red Lion Chambers Fire Law Team. He has advised fire brigades across the country on aspects of law and policy, and prosecutes and defends, particularly in fatality cases. Read more: [Sailesh Metha Profile]

Red Lion Chambers Fire Law team: [RLC Fire Law Team]

Listen to podcast here: [Get Legally Speaking]