First legal challenge to criminalising asylum seekers reaches Court of Appeal

February 8, 2023

The first legal challenge to criminalising asylum seekers was heard in the Court of Appeal on 1st Feb, 2023.

Writing for Free Movement magazine, RLC member Aneurin Brewer with co-author David L.Suber examine:

-The Background to the case
-How did the law change after the 2022 Nationality and Borders Act?
-Criminalising arrival to the UK
-The preparatory hearing
-Grounds for appeal

In Feb 2022, Aneurin Brewer successfully appealed the convictions of six separate asylum seekers who steered small boats of asylum seekers across the English Channel and were convicted of facilitation of breaches of immigration law by the other asylum seekers on board. The cases concerned a mixture of appellants who had pleaded guilty as they had not been advised they had a defence in law or had been convicted after their jury at trial had not been directed they had a defence available. The Court of Appeal ruled the convictions should be quashed. More info: [Aneurin Brewer successfully appeals convictions of six asylum seekers]

Read article here: [Freemovement]