Chambers welcomes new member Jack Talbot

January 4, 2022

Chambers is delighted to welcome new member Jack Talbot, a highly experienced advocate who both defends and prosecutes serious criminal and regulatory offences at a senior level.

Since 2016, he has been ranked in the Legal500 directory as a leading junior in fraud including money laundering and asset forfeiture noting that he is ‘first class in client presentation’ and is graded at the highest level possible for a non-QC on five separate SFO/CPS panels.

Jack is regularly instructed in multi-defendant frauds and conspiracies and appears in cases involving sexual offending of the utmost gravity including multi-complainant rapes and those involving very young children.
He is frequently called upon to appear in the Court of Appeal and has undertaken inquest work as well as cases before the GMC, First Tier Tribunal, Court Martial and Parole Board. He acts for and against local authorities.

In 2015-2016, Jack undertook a twelve-month secondment with HSBC as part of a senior team assisting with the FCA-mandated review into the mis-selling of interest-rate hedging products.

He has also been instructed as independent counsel in numerous high-profile cases such as R v Mills (the HBOS fraud) and the SFO LPP review concerning Balli Group.

We are delighted to welcome Jack Talbot to Red Lion Chambers.

For more information please see: [Jack Talbot]