Justice Week sees The Bar Council, Chartered Institute of Legal Executives (CILEx) and the Law Society join together as partners to bring more awareness of the roles of Criminal Barristers and the importance of justice and the rule of law.
Tia first shadowed Allison when at school in Year 12 and developed a keen interest in the law. She has since gone on to study law at Westminster University.
Allison said: “It is important that young people have early exposure to the legal profession and know what pathways are open to them. Diversity is strength. Times are tough at the Criminal Bar but that should not deter anyone wanting to enter the profession.”
Red Lion works regularly with schools, colleges and charities such as Young Citizens, The Kalisher Trust and ELBA to raise awareness of pathways into Law. To mark the end of Justice Week, Jenni Dempster QC, Sophie Quinton-Carter and Zoƫ Chapman also took part in an Outreach session with prospective law students discussing their journeys to the Bar.