‘Virginity testing’, hymen surgery and misogyny: what should the law do?

September 22, 2021

RLC member Riel Karmy-Jones QC with Alex Benn (Oxford University Law lecturer and RLC pupil barrister) examine the question of true consent and whether the law, criminal or otherwise, should allow anyone to perform or undergo hymen surgery if it is not a medical necessity. They write:

“Evidently, these questions are difficult and criminal law has history of being a blunt instrument in areas raising such sensitive issues. Either way, the issues are broad, ranging from the meaning of ‘cosmetic’ to the role of medical professionals in making decisions about the motivating factors in patients’ choices. One lesson, however, does seem clear: going forward, there must be close engagement not only with medical practitioners, but also with patients, campaigners and affected groups.”

Read full piece here: [Counsel Magazine]