Congratulations to Valerie Charbit who has been appointed an Assistant Coroner to West London Coroner’s Court.
Valerie has been instructed in inquests after successfully completed the Coroners and Inquests course at Kings College, London which was taught by former Chief Coroner of England and Wales, Sir Peter Thornton KC. She has been appointed by numerous professional and public bodies to do advisory and advocacy work with a broad range of clients from across the public and private sectors.
In addition, her diverse practice spans serious criminal cases involving Health & Safety, Murder & Manslaughter, Fraud, and Serious Sexual Offences. She has considerable experience in acting before a number of regulators in Professional Disciplinary proceedings and was instructed in the Grenfell Tower Inquiry for a Core Participant. She sits as a First Tier Tribunal Judge in Mental Health.
Read more: [Valerie Charbit Profile]
Red Lion Chambers has outstanding expertise conducting inquests in the Coroners’ courts. Members have advised and participated in some of the most high-profile inquests and inquiries in the country, including the Inquiry into the 7/7 bombings that took place on 7 July 2005. Read more: [Inquests & Inquiries]