Tim Kiely was interviewed by the i paper on the subject of the UK gun licence laws in the wake of Plymouth killings. 22 year old Jake Davidson obtained a firearms licence that allowed him to commit one of the largest mass shootings in the UK since 2010.
The Home Office have now announced a review of UK licencing laws with applicants subject to social media checks and are preparing to publish new statutory guidance. Tim Kiely commented:
“Under Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights a person has a right to respect for their private and family life, but some instances of interference with those rights may be justified in the interests of, for example, the ‘prevention of disorder of crime’, or ‘public safety’….In all cases such interference must be conducted in accordance with the law, in a way which is proportionate and necessary in a democratic society….It seems to me that any new statutory guidance on the scope of Article 8, in particular in relation to social media searches, would have been of assistance to Devon and Cornwall police officers.”
Read full article in the i paper here: [The i paper]