Syam Soni appears in the Court of Appeal

January 24, 2025

Syam Soni appeared before the Court of Appeal to challenge the sentence handed down to his client who had been convicted at Snaresbrook Crown Court for six offences, including possession of prohibited firearms and a sawn-off shotgun with ammunition, without a certificate.

The client had originally been sentenced to an extended sentence of 10 years, comprising of 7 years in custody and an additional 3 years on extended licence, after the sentencing judge deemed him “dangerous” under the law.

However, Syam successfully argued that the judge erred in law in both the finding of “dangerousness” and the imposition of an extended sentence.

The appeal centred on a critical legal technicality: none of the offences for which the client had been convicted were classified as “specified violent offences” under the law. As such, the conditions required to impose an extended sentence, as well as a finding of “dangerousness” were not met.

The Court of Appeal upheld Syam’s argument, ruling that the original sentence was unlawful. The extended sentence was quashed and replaced with a determinate sentence of 7 years. This decision paves the way for Syam’s client’s imminent release, significantly reducing the overall term he will serve.

Syam Soni is a criminal defence specialist whose principal areas of expertise include conspiracy to murder, multi-handed violence/disorder, serious sexual offences and multi-handed drugs conspiracies. Read more: [Syam Soni Profile ]

He was instructed in this case by and on behalf of The Registrar of Criminal Appeals.