Following Ofsted’s recent report into Sexual Abuse in Schools and Colleges, Ofsted’s inspectors found that some forms of sexual harassment had become “normalised” in the 32 state and private schools and colleges they visited, where they spoke to more than 900 children and young people about the prevalence of sexual harassment.
The report discovered that schools are failing to protect students from sexual abuse and harassment, which could leave them open to legal redress from victims who endured abuse under their care.
Simon Spence QC commenting on the topic of Sexual abuse in schools said:
“All schools owe a statutory duty of care to their pupils….This includes a responsibility to protect them from abuse, whether that be physical or mental and from whatever source, whether other pupils or staff. A proven failure to respond to a known situation could result in a gross negligence claim. Even without such a failure, a student has a right to respect for his private and family life – Article 8”
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