“Advocacy, Trial and Error” took place last week (14-17 March) at the Old Bailey in one of the world’s most famous court rooms, Court No 1. Devised by a former RLC Head of Chambers, HH Peter Rook QC. The 8th show featured vignettes and songs performed by members of the Bar including RLC member David Etherington QC, members of the Judiciary and Old Bailey staff.
Simon Spence QC who attended the show reported back:
“This is the 8th Trial and Error and each year it grows in ambition and professionalism. The mix of professionals and talented amateurs is what gives this show its unique flavour and merely serves to highlight the well-recognised overlap between the worlds of the theatre and the courtroom.”
The production was co-sponsored by RLC alongside other leading Chambers and supported by the Criminal Bar Association.
Read Simon Spence QC’s full review here: [Advocacy, Trial and Error Review]