RLC Blog: Wellbeing Navigating the Anxious Mind by Valerie Charbit

March 26, 2024

The chambers’ Wellbeing committee organised a discussion hosted by Counsellor and Psychotherapist Judith Kark for members, staff and pupils to help support the persistent challenge of anxiety which is often present throughout a barrister’s professional journey.

During the session, attendees gained valuable insights into the nature and impact of anxiety across society, with Judith providing an insightful overview of its manifestations, progression, and potential interventions. Valerie Charbit, Wellbeing Director for Chambers commented:

“What became abundantly clear from the discussion were the significant physical ramifications of anxiety and the realisation that some coping mechanisms, such as alcohol consumption, may not be the most effective. Judith also underscored that anger and aggression can be a symptoms of anxiety. This observation resonates, especially when considering encounters with individuals in court who sometimes exhibit such behaviour seemingly without any clear reason.”

Read the full blog here: [Navigating the Anxious Mind]

Valerie Charbit is the Wellbeing Director for Chambers. She has represented the Criminal Bar Association as Wellbeing Director and the South Eastern Circuit on wellbeing and was a member of the Bar Council’s working party group on the subject: [Valerie Charbit Profile]