RL Consulting welcomes new member Alan Edwards

January 26, 2023

RL Consulting has welcomed new consultant Alan Edwards.

Alan has been an investigator in both the military and civilian police for almost 40 years, specialising in organised crime investigations and intelligence for the past twenty-five years and as a qualified teacher serving 2 years in national police training. He has been a surveillance manager, covert manager and crime manager and set up the UK synthetic lab unit, training his team in the UK, Netherlands and USA.

He was deployed by the UK Government in 2004 to set up an office in Istanbul for upstream disruption activity targeting people smuggling and human trafficking affecting the EU. He worked across the region on organised crime matters.

For several years Alan worked as a crime manager. One of his final UK investigations was in relation to the sexual exploitation of children. Operation Chalice was the biggest investigation of its kind in the UK at the time and a documentary made of the investigation was BAFTA nominated in 2014 leading to a change in the law and development of best practice across the country.

From 2013 to 2016 he was Chief of the Organised Crime Investigation Unit EU Rule of Law Mission, Kosovo. Here he led an armed team of detectives from over 20 countries with a mandate to investigate organised crime, terrorism and corruption. The team achieved significant arrests including international narcotic traffickers, terrorists, judiciary and politicians using evidential wiretap. Between 2017-2020 he was a consultant with both the UK and French Governments establishing an intelligence unit to combat criminal networks trafficking people through Libya and across the Mediterranean into Europe.

More recently he has written a training needs analysis for the Ukrainian State Bureau of Investigation, carried out a scoping study for a Centre of Excellence to combat Human Trafficking in the Far East, and taken part in a capability analysis of financial investigation in Montenegro.

Alan joins RL Consulting- an initiative led by Dame Linda Dobbs which provides consulting services to law firms, governments, NGOs, corporations and institutions.
For more info please see: [RL Consulting]