RL Consultant Sara Carnegie marks International Women’s Day updating on the “50:50 by 2030” global gender project

March 9, 2023

Red Lion Consultant Sara Carnegie marks this year’s International Women’s Day by looking at gender equality in the law.

The International Bar Association and Lexis Nexis Rule of Law Foundation’s 50:50 project is the first- of -its- kind nine-year global study on gender equality and looks at achieving equal representation of women at the highest levels across 16 jurisdictions, whilst acknowledging there is much still to do.

Writing for the Bar Council Sara says: “Our work will track data over the decade and identify where women are represented appropriately at all levels. We will champion effective initiatives, and encourage lawyers, law firms and bars to acknowledge the importance and value of equality and do more to achieve it; to prioritise their efforts and make true equality a reality in each sector so every woman feels valued and able to reach her potential.”

Sara is a part of RL Consulting- an initiative led by Dame Linda Dobbs providing consulting services to law firms, governments, NGOs, corporations and institutions. Read more about RLConsulting here: [RLConsulting]

Read full blog here: [Bar Council]