Michelle Nelson QC defends and prosecutes across the criminal spectrum and is Head of the Equality and Diversity Committee at Red Lion Chambers. She will be joined by Julie Hutchinson, Deputy Chief Executive Officer at East London Business Alliance and London Works Managing Director.
The aim of UCL’s MAP Lunch Hour conversation series is to create a safe and open space for continuous dialogue among members of the MAPS Faculty in order to gain understanding of the different forms of racism and how UCL can play its part to strengthen an anti-racism culture in its work and study environments.
Michelle Nelson QC and Julie Hutchison are founding members of SHIFT25, an initiative to bring together a group of senior and influential Black and Minority Ethnic professionals across all sectors to enhance the voice of the Black and Ethnic Minority communities and create a fundamental shift as to equalise opportunities in education, recruitment and progression by 2025.
For more information on SHIFT25 please visit: [SHIFT25 – Our objectives]