Michelle Nelson KC will be a speaker at the Criminal Appeal Lawyers’ Association Conference on Saturday 19th November 2022.
Following the Westminster Commission on Miscarriages of Justice, the Criminal Appeal Lawyers Association brings together key stakeholders to discuss latest developments, trends and the future of criminal appeals in England and Wales and to provide a case law update for practitioners.
Joining the panel will be Actor Ricky Tomlinson, one of the “Shrewsbury 24”. His case involved three judges in the Court of Appeal who quashed convictions related to a strike by building workers in 1972, after concluding they were unsafe. The group of trade unionists, who became known as the Shrewsbury 24, had run a long campaign arguing that they had been persecuted by the establishment to deter workers from taking action to improve their pay and working conditions. Tomlinson had been sentenced to two years in jail for conspiracy to intimidate and affray.
Other Speakers will include The Rt. Hon. Lord Justice Holroyde, Farrhat Arshad (Doughty Street Chambers) David Emanuel KC (Garden Court Chambers) Edward Fitzgerald KC (Doughty Street Chambers) Professor Penney Lewis (Law Commissioner for Criminal Law) and Dr Lucy Welsh (Sussex University).
The event will take place at the London School of Economics from 9:30 am – 3:00 pm.
Book your place here: [Eventbrite]