Michael Goodwin QC has reviewed “Smith, Hogan, & Ormerod’s Text, Cases, & Materials on Criminal Law” 13th Edition by David Ormerod and Karl Laird for the Law Society Gazette.
He commented that the “must have” criminal guide was a “polished text” and “easy to navigate and engaging”. The book which includes chapters on sexual offences, theft and fraud, liabilities of corporations “takes account of the most significant changes in criminal law and case law”.
Awarding the book a 5 star review, Michael summarises that the book should feature in “every criminal lawyer and law student’s library” and that authors Ormerod and Laird “have produced a gold-standard work that provides a comprehensive and clear analysis of the essential principles of, and critical cases formulating, the criminal law.”
Read full book review here: [Law Gazette]
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