Kate Bex QC has successfully prosecuted a Romford based GP who preyed on female patients as young as 17 years old to undergo unnecessary intimate examinations for his own sexual gratification.
Over five years, between May 2009 and June 2013, Dr. Shah assaulted six patients of the Mawney Medical Centre.
A previous trial led by RLC member Rosina Cottage QC involving 18 victims had already seen Dr. Shah convicted of similar allegations relating to other women.
Prosecutor Kate Bex QC told jurors that Shah played on the women’s fear of cancer to consent to examinations, but without being properly informed. Some of the victims were particularly vulnerable because of their young age or because of their family history of the disease.
RLC member Kate Bex QC said: “Fear is an incredible motivator and few health concerns are scarier than cancer. Dr Shah exploited that and used it for his own personal gratification.”
Sentencing for all the offences will take place on February 7, 2020.
[PRESS REPORTS [The Guardian][BBC][Independent][Standard]]