May 15, 2015

The Modern Slavery Act 2015 increases the maximum jail sentence for the most serious offences in relation to slavery and human trafficking from 14 years to life. The existing offences are consolidated with certain loopholes closed in relation to sea vessels. Victims of slavery and trafficking will have new defences and remedies. Those convicted of such offences will face the toughest asset confiscation regime.
In the attached article (click to download) Riel Karmy-Jones QC and Peter Carter QC, both from Red Lion Chambers and specialists in different aspects of human trafficking, discuss the new offences made by MSA 2015 and to what extent they will work in practice. In doing so, they deal with the question of how effective the Modern Slavery Act will be in tackling slavery and trafficking.
This article was first published on Lexis®PSL Crime on 14 May 2015.