Gillian Jones QC leading Felicia Davy secure acquittal for mother charged with causing or allowing death of her 4 week old baby

November 26, 2021

Gillian Jones QC leading Felicia Davy secured acquittals for Chantelle Stroud on the serious charges of causing or allowing the death of her 4 week old baby in May 2020. The four week trial involved expert medical evidence from multiple leading experts as to injury, causation and presentation. Ms Stroud had always stated that she had been unaware of the injuries being caused to her baby.

The jury found her then partner guilty of causing serious injury to the baby when he was some 3 weeks old and was able to conceal it from Ms Stroud, before going on to assault the baby on the 9 May 2020 leading to his death.
Gillian and Felicia were instructed by Robert Jacques of Reeds Solicitors, Reading.

Read news story here:

[Reading Chronicle]

[Newbury Today]