Valerie Charbit, Wellbeing Director at the Criminal Bar Association and Head of Wellbeing at Red Lion Chambers was interviewed by Personnel Today for a piece in ‘People in Law’ looking at anxiety associated with the return to office.
With more than half the UK population now having received a first Covid-19 vaccination and restrictions gradually being lifted, some kind of return to Chambers is looking increasingly likely.
Valerie Charbit reflected that although many barristers had received their first dose of the vaccine, infection control measures would likely remain in place for all people visiting Red Lion Chambers. She said:
“We think everyone is keen to receive a vaccine but we will not force anyone to have one,” she says. “As medical records are confidential, we do not expect members to have to disclose whether they have been vaccinated. However, all our members are keen to look after each other so we would be very surprised if anyone was unwilling to be vaccinated.”
Read full piece here: [People in Law]