Claudia-Lauren Williams has secured acquittals for her client charged with battery, criminal damage and harassment.
The defence raised was that Defendant was experiencing a manic episode at the time of the alleged offences, flowing from a diagnosis of bipolar affective disorder, accordingly, he lacked the requisite mens rea for the offences charged.
During the trial a Consultant Psychiatrist was called to give evidence and cross-examined in relation to her assessment as to the Defendant’s likely mental state at the time of the alleged offending.
In providing their reasons, the Bench accepted the Defence case and concluded that they could not be sure the mens rea had been satisfied as the Prosecution case had asserted.
The Defendant was subsequently acquitted of all charges.
Claudia-Lauren (RLC Probationary Tenant) has represented clients accused of serious offences at trial and acted in the early stages of proceedings relating to allegations of attempted murder, robbery, drug supply conspiracy and serious violent assaults. Claudia-Lauren has also represented clients in contested Stalking Protection Order proceedings. Read more: [Claudia-Lauren Williams Profile]
She was instructed by Gary Ryan, Senior Partner of Buxton Ryan.