Joint Head of Chambers Gillian Jones KC with Professor Susan Edwards (Professor Emerita of Law at the University of Buckingham and RLC Door Tenant) and David Malone (Deputy Chief Crown Prosecutor for CPS London South and former member of RLC) have contributed to and edited “Blackstone’s Guide to the Domestic Abuse Act 2021″ with detailed and expert coverage of the Domestic Abuse Act 2021.
For the last decade violence against women and girls has been the focus for front line professionals in the statutory and voluntary sector and for those campaigning for law reform, culminating in the enactment of the Domestic Abuse Act 2021. Baroness Helena Kennedy KC , writing the foreword for the book states:
‘This Guide is greatly needed. It is edited by an expert team and contributors are drawn from across the sector ensuring that all voices are heard and represented. It provides a blend of practical guidance and advice for practitioners in the court room, for front line workers, for charities, for local authorities and for government departments and where relevant provides a context and background to domestic abuse, legal reforms and remedies. Importantly, it also sets out what further reform is needed and provides a road map for building the future protection of victims of domestic abuse.’
The book provides readers not only with the latest legislative changes and amendments but with expert commentary from across the criminal justice system as to the scope, extent, and effects of the legislation, featuring:
-an expert explanation and analysis of the scope, extent and effect of the Domestic Abuse Act 2021, including commentary on the non-fatal strangulation provisions;
-hears from authors with extensive experience and expertise drawn from statutory and voluntary sectors including Katy Swaine Williams (Centre for Women’s Justice), Pragna Patel (Southall Black Sisters), Gill Hague (Professor Emerita of Violence Against Women Studies, University of Bristol) and Tina Hemmingway (Gloucestershire County Council);
-chapters include analysis from legal practitioners in criminal and policing law with authors Martin O’Neill (Senior Lecturer in Criminal Investigation at CCCU), Matthew Bland (Institute of Criminology at Cambridge University), and Vicki McLellan (Cambridge Centre for Evidence-Based Policing); RLC member Felicia Davy co-authors the chapter on “Offences Involving Abusive Or Violent Behaviour (s. 70- 71)”
-includes the full text of the Domestic Abuse Act 2021
The book is divided into four parts with Professor Susan Edwards introducing Part 1 with a snapshot of The Domestic Abuse Act 2021 and also a detailed consideration of the context and background. Part 2 breaks the Act down in full, providing definition, meaning, and interpretation, as well as applications, or predicted applications, for use by practitioners. Part 3 considers the ongoing campaign for reform and the very latest developments which may have a bearing on practice, while also acknowledging and critiquing the limitations and omissions in the Act. A full copy of the Act itself is available in Part 4.
Chapters written by Gillian Jones KC include “Special Measures for Victims and Witnesses” and “Powers to Make Other Orders in Court Proceedings Under This Part.” Chapters written by David Malone include “Offences Committed Outside UK” and “Domestic Abuse Protection Orders – The Court Procedure”.
The book is available to buy now and is published by Oxford University Press. For more information please see: [Blackstone’s Guide to the Domestic Abuse Act 2021]